Corporate & environmental policies

Mission statement

Better health of the population and active environmental protection.
For this purpose, we optimize industrial processes to reach a higher efficiency or even make them available in the market for the first time.

Company principles

We are not focused for quick success, but rather on long-term results. We are setting ambitious, clear objectives and have the strong determination for years and decades to reach this defined goals.

In the development of technological innovation, product quality and customer service, we want to be known for our superior expertise, adjusting our services to the needs of our customers, and actively creating rather than passively accepting trends in the market.

By a high strategic differentiation in the product and service portfolio of ultraviolet application technology, we are able to respond highly flexible and thus secure our market position.

Code of conduct

Customers and suppliers should appreciate our friendly, professional, and partnership-based approach and like to work with us. We work exclusively with people and companies who act in accordance with our ethical principles.

  • We take responsibility for our fellows and environment
  • We safeguard fair competition, strictly reject corruption, favoritism and bribery and elevate any discernible intention of an attempt immediately to a criminal complaint.
  • We expect from all employees, that no activities performed inside or outside of working hours are contrary to the interests of the company
  • We actively focus on safety and cleanliness in the workplace and not look the other way even if we are not directly affected
  • We protect the intellectual property of our company, as well as our customers and supplier
  • We protect the company’s assets by responsible use of resources, by balancing risk and benefit and provide the necessary foresight in everyday business transactions
  • We bring only high-quality and safe products on the market that meet or even exceed the legal requirements
  • We tolerate no form of discrimination, place the highest value on privacy and respect the rights of all employees


Environmental policies

We at Peschl are conscious of our social responsibilities with regards to helping the environment through our working practices. Our objective is not only to sustain our environment for our descendants but also to rehabilitate the damage previously done. We believe that our corporate responsibility goes beyond our proprietary borders and therefore every effort will be made to conserve resources throughout our operations.

Peschl will try to not only meet existing environmental laws and regulation but will endeavour to go beyond the status quo and see techniques and approaches that position us ahead of our competition.


Following are our specific ideals:


Awareness and Commitment

We will endeavour to ensure staff and business partners are familiar with our environmental commitment and objectives.



Peschl will endeavour to reduce the impact on the environment wherever possible with respect to transport.

Practical Implementation:

  • Seek and employ local products and services to reduce transport
  • Peschl will avoid unnecessary travel and will use energy efficient vehicles and driving styles.
  • Encourage the use of public transport, cycle, or foot.
  • To eliminate unnecessary and inefficient use of Peschl owned motor vehicles, and wherever possible, that of other vehicles associated with Peschl. Wherever possible carpooling will be implemented.


Energy & Water Consumption

Peschl accepts a share of Germanys commitment to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions both by attaining greater efficiency in total energy consumption and by continuing to examine the possibility of acquiring electricity from ‘green’ sources when finances permit, either through the purchase of ‘green’ electricity, or through an increased use of solar water heating, combined heat and power plants (CHP), or photo voltaic.

Practical Implementation:

  • Peschl will make every effort to use water efficiently and avoid pollutants entering the drainage system.
  • Peschl will use energy efficient products wherever practical.


Waste Generation and Management

Peschl will try to minimize the production of waste and pollution, including unnecessary packaging.  Peschl will implement measures to reduce the volume of waste generated and to increase the proportion of that waste which is recycled.

Practical Implementation:

  • Peschl will look to compost organic waste.
  • Peschl has implemented separated recycle bins for glass, paper, plastic, cans/tins etc.


Materials and Resources

Peschl will try to minimize environmental impact regarding sourcing materials and resources.

Practical Implementation:

  • Peschl will try to avoid using materials which have an undesirable effect on the environment, and wherever possible use locally made recycled goods.
  • Peschl will try to use contractors who also share a commitment to the environment and consider lifetime costs of materials when repairing, altering or rebuilding premises.
  • Peschl will maximize use of electronic communication and information storage as an alternative to paper.